Ekonomicheskie Reformi Hruscheva Kratko
HirurŠki tretman resektabilnih, graniČno resektabilnih i lokalno uznapredovalih tumora pankreasa. Thesis (pdf available) june 2015.
Eurlex-diff-2017 en (3) By letter registered with the Commission on 18 April 2017, Estonia requested an authorisation to continue to apply special measures concerning the purchase, leasing, intra-Community acquisition, and importation of certain passenger cars, derogating from the provisions laid down in Directive 2006/112/EC which govern a taxable person's right to deduct VAT paid on the purchase of goods and services and those which require tax to be accounted for on business assets used for non-business purposes.
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En The provisions on remuneration should be without prejudice to the full exercise of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Treaties, in particular Article 153(5) TFEU, general principles of national contract and labour law, applicable legislation regarding shareholders’ rights and involvement and the general responsibilities of the administrative and supervisory bodies of the institution concerned, as well as the right, where applicable, of social partners to conclude and enforce collective agreements, in accordance with national laws and traditions. En (Reference for a preliminary ruling — VAT — Directive 2006/112/EC — Article 13(1) — Treatment as a non-taxable person — Concept of ‘other bodies governed by public law’– Autonomous Region of the Azores — Entity created by the region in the form of a wholly-owned limited company which is responsible for providing the region with services of general economic interest relating to the management of the region’s health service — Determination of the detailed arrangements for those services, including their remuneration, in programme agreements concluded between the entity and the region).