Lvds To Dvi Converter

  понедельник 04 марта

Input supports 18/36/24/48-bit LVDS through 40-pin LVDS connector; Output supports DVI-D connector; Size: 60 x 50 mm; Applied for PICO821 and PICO822.

Hello all, This is kind of a long shot but I thought I would see if someone here happen to know. I'm working with a ComExpress() which give me a LVDS video out. I need to convert this to DVI. I bought an off the shelf LVDS to DVI converter() and it worked perfectly. Then the ComExpress() we are using changed and the converter no longer worked. The weird part about this is I have some flat panel displays which use the LVDS directly and they work for both modules.

So I tried a different LVDS to DVI converter(, ignore the fact that it's 24-bit. I confirmed that it will work besides giving a washed out effect) This converter worked on the original ComExpress but did not work on the new one.

I've tried all the graphics BIOS options on the ComExpress and none of them work. Zrazok protokolu virobnicho naradi v dnz 500. I should note that all the LVDS signals and displays are 18-bit. I scoped the LVDS signals of the first and second ComExpress and noticed that the one that doesn't work has lower amplitudes than the working one. Attached are the scope measurements with no changes besides the ComExpress used(I even didn't move the probe cables). I probed the DVI port and it is clocking and sending data(I can't easily validate that data though).

That's where I'm at now. I'm not sure what could be causing the problem. Does anyone have experience with any of this or have an idea of what could cause it?

HDTV to HDMI Converter The DVI to LVDS Converter enables customers with an existing Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display to upgrade their display to accept DVI inputs. This product maximizes the amazing resolution on the beautiful Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display. NOTE: This product has been discontinued. See the above SIMILAR Tab for equivalent products or, if not there, call us at 800-841-9238 right now to discuss your needs. The DVI to LVDS Converter connects to DVI digital connector. For the best possible picture quality, DVIGear recommends that you pair The DVI to LVDS Converter with a 'SuperWide savvy' graphics card.

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SuperWide savvy cards support the 1600SW display's native 1600x1024 resolution and provide the ultimate image quality. A convenient on-screen display provides controls for brightness, contrast, color temperature, and other key parameters. And HDTV enthusiasts can view 720p high-definition television signals on the 1600SW by using The DVI to LVDS Converter. HDTV to HDMI Converter Features: • Compatible with any of our DVI-D, DVI-I, or long length cables • Power adapter included Why not buy this HDTV to HDMI Converter today?