Icon Pc Anime Untuk Folder Keren

  суббота 03 ноября

Download Kumpulan Icon Keren Untuk PC/Laptop Gratis, Ikon/icon adalah simbol atau antarmuka grafik di dalam sebuah data yang digambarkan oleh gambar kecil.Kali ini admin akan berbagi icon untuk gambar folder pada pc/laptop. Biasanya folder defaul akan berbentuk kotak saja namun jika anda menggunakan icon gambar tertentu maka akan berubah menjadi keren dan bermacam-macam gambar kecil (icon gambar).

Hello everyone I am more than happy to present to you ~DevilL-Dante's Anime Icons. Although these icons were originally not meant for Android but for Windows/Mac icons, I was able to find a simple way to add them to Android with the help of 'Simple Text-Text Icon Creator'. Steps: • Download icons or complete.zip file • Install Simple Text-Text Icon Creator • Add a Simple Text-Text Icon Creator widget to your home screen (2x2 works best on standard 4x4 or 4x5 grid sizes) • Choose the 'Select Icon' option and locate the icon your want from your memory.

(If you download the zip file you will need to unzip it, which there are unzip applications on the Play Store or you can do it on your computer) • Choose the 'Select Action' which will allow you to choose a application/shortcut/none actions to be taken when widget is tapped. • Press 'OK' at the bottom and your DONE! Kenterberijskie pohabnie rasskazi filjm.

Icon pc anime untuk folder keren windows 7

Kak snyatj radiator pechki na mersedes vito 638. Hit the 'THANKS' button for me if you like them, also feel free to give your thanks to ~DevilL-Dante for these amazing icons and the many more to come. Simple Text-Text Icon Creator Play Store Link: Dropbox Folder: ~DevilL-Dante's DeviantArt Account.