How To Get Computer Serial Number In Vbnet
Jan 24, 2013 - Getting Hardware Info in VB.Net. Function for getting hardware specific info such as CPU ID, Motherboard Serial Number, Drive Serial Numbers. Can anyone tell me how to get USB serial number(Hardware ID) using
Free VB projects - Get disk serial number using the file system object (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP) Intelligent Programming Tools For Smart Developers! Dragon age origins 105 trainer pc game. Smart ActiveX Controls & Components For VB, VC++, Delphi, VB.NET, C#.NET, VC++.NET, ASP.NET, ASP & HTML Products Free VB Code Site Content Web Free VB Projects Get disk serial number using the file system object (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP) Description: This VB code (function) enables you to retrieve the hard disk (partition) serial number. This serial number is generated by Windows (or DOS) when you format a disk partition.
Well, at the end I could not find a way to use the WMIMonitorId class to get the serial number of a remote computer from a.NET App. However, I needed that value. So, I got a very good vbs script from. I have to say that the author did a very good job. So, I am calling that script from my visuaL basic app, sending as argument the computer name and then wait for the vbscript to finish. I also changed the sript to allow it to update my access database.
In that way, everytime a new computer is entered to the data base from my App, I could also get its monitor information.