Download Free Software Franson Gpsgate 26 License Key
10.3 GPS Issues (Franson GpsGate Icon is Red). Detective-Remote® is supplied with the OpenStreetMap (OSM) open-source world. Area — that is, download them from the ORTEC® mapping service for offline. Analysis computer's serial number. Figure 26 User Interface Program — Idle Mode, Detectors Ready. Jan 3, 2019 - 21°F Few Clouds. Bangor, ME Brand. Toggle navigation. You may not (and you may not permit or encourage anyone else to) make. (d) Use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to. Topic being discussed (unless it is clear the discussion is free-form). Public Inspection File.
We, like many thousands of other seafarers have successfully run our navigation software on Windows platforms - until Windows 8 came along. Now our ability to input GPS data to our software via virtual port creation software such as Xport or Franson GPS Gate has ended. These programs which detect GPS data on bluetooth or a USB port and distribute it to several programs via virtual ports simply will not function on Windows 8. Franson say that they have no solution so we are forced to stay with Windows 7. Unfortunately the newer Windows 8 laptops will not allow you to install Windows 7, and so in our case we had to return a new Toshiba Ultrabook and scrounge around for an older model supplied with Windows 7. This has solved our problem in the short term, but with Windows 8 being forced upon us both in marketing and hardware terms, what of the future? Where do we go when the current hardware fails?
Why have Microsoft not included support for this feature which has worked well for decades? Does anyone have a solution? Ian Shepherd s/y Crusader. Hi Peter, The Surface Pro does not have an internal GPS. While we have verified basic connectivity with an external Garmin still works on Windows 8 pro, we have not verified it with AutoRoute 2013. The optional external GPS that comes bundled with AutoRoute 2013 also has a location provider ( While we do not expect end-consumers to have to know about the Windows Location Platform, IHVs/ISVs should refer to the links in my earlier response to fully integrate with Windows Store Apps. Thanks, Janet This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hello Ring, well my solution was to return the new Ultrabook and buy the previous model which was supplied with Windows 7. As expected, virtual com ports worked 100%. I agree, Janets solution is just not acceptable to the end user customer who supports Microsoft in good faith.
That said, I did try the latest version of Franson GPS Gate and ran it on a Samsung Windows 8 platform as opposed to my Toshiba. It did work so there maybe a Windows 8 issue combined with non compatibility of the chipset perhaps? All I can suggest is that you download the latest GPS client from Franson and give it a try. I shall be staying with Windows 7 till it is finally extinct. There is nothing in Windows 8 that appeals to me.